SONAY BAN, Dr. Temple University 26 January 2021, Monday, 14.00 Sonay Ban’s dissertation, entitled “Banned Films, C/overt Oppression: Practices of Film Censorship from Contemporary Turkey,” investigates how film censorship shapes …
MİNE YILDIRIM, Dr. The New School for Social Research, NY Istanbul Planning Agency 5 January 2021, Tuesday, 20.00 Ph.D. Candidate, Politics, at The New School for Social Research, New York. …
YÜCE AYDOĞAN, PhD. Ortak Dersler Bölümü 29 December 2020, Tuesday, 20.00 Teknoloji, yalnızca yazım tekniklerinin ötesinde bir noktadan şiirin mevcudiyetine dahil olabilir mi? Şiirin zamansallığı ile tekniğin zamansallığı nasıl örtüşür? …
GÜLDENİZ KIBRIS Khas Core Program 22 December 2020, Tuesday, 20.00 This paper analyzes Turkish film censorship between 1936 and the early 1970s. The period includes the Second World War, Turkey’s …
SELVER SEZEN KUTUP Ortak Dersler Bölümü 15 December 2020, Tuesday, 20.00 Bu sunum Sevim Burak’ın Ford Mach I metninde insanlar ve insandışı faillerin ilişkilerine odaklanacaktır. İnsan merkezci bir dille insanın …
FATMAGÜL BERKTAY, Prof.Dr. İstanbul University, Department of Political Science and International Relations 8 December 2020, Tuesday, 20.00
ZEYNEP KUTLUATA, PhD. Khas Core Program 24 November 2020, Tuesday, 20.00 War periods are gendered processes; certain policies are developed to reconstitute femininity and masculinity in the service of nationalization …
ANNA MCMURRAY Khas Core Program 17 November 2020, Tuesday, 20.00 In this lecture, I examine the defining features of the American road film, tracing its traditions from the beginning of …
ŞULE AKDOĞAN, PhD. Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick 10 November 2020, Tuesday, 20.00 Transnational feminist theories underline the diverse, intersectional and multiple workings of local …
TERENCE HOLDEN, PhD. KHAS Core Program 3 November 2020, Tuesday, 20.00 The objective will be to give an outline of some of the main tenets of Dewey’s theory of education: …