NURAY SÖĞÜNMEZ ERDOĞAN, Dr. KHAS Core Program December 28, Tuesday, 20:00 Biology and its tools have been used since ancient times to understand nature and find cures to diseases, and …
AHMET ERGENÇ Ortak Dersler Bölümü December 21, Tuesday 20:00 Edebiyatta evini terk eden, evsizleşen ya da kendini ‘evinde hissetmeyen’ karakterler, yerleşik bir hayatı terk edip ‘vagabond’laşan karakterler, genelde ‘ev’le özdeleşen …
GÜLDENİZ KIBRIS KHAS Core Program December 7, Tuesday, 20:00 Nation is imagined as attached to a homeland; the ‘sacred’ source of resources, livelihood, output, energy, and emotions. In modern societies …
DENIZ HALMAN TOMAKA KHAS Core Program November 23, Tuesday, 20:00 Urban transformation projects in Turkey have accelerated with a regulation known as “Disaster Law,” -which was brought into force in …
GÜLŞAH ŞENKOL, Dr. 9 November 2021, Tuesday, 20.00 This lecture examines the regional interaction between the Egyptian and Ottoman (later Turkish) feminism during the late nineteenth and the early twentieth …
DORUK TATAR, Dr. KHAS Core Program 2 November 2021, Tuesday, 20.00 The publication of Rudyard Kipling’s famous novel Kim in 1901 marks the beginning of spy fiction as a popular …
DİDEM TÜRKOĞLU, Dr. New York University Abu Dhabi, Division of Social Science 28 May 2021, Tuesday, 16.00 Over the past two decades, every country in the Organization for Economic Co-operation …
MURAT GÜVENÇ, PROF DR. KHAS İstanbul Araştırmaları Merkezi 11 May 2021, Tuesday, 18.00 KHAS Core Talks’ta gelecek hafta konuğumuz Prof.Dr. Murat Güvenç,İsveç Uluslararası Kalkınma İşbirliği Ajansı (SIDA) aracılığıyla fonlanan ve …
FIONA GEDEON ACHI, Dr. Istanbul Şehir University, Center for Urban Studies 20 April 2021, Tuesday, 14.00 “Are there many people in Europe who have water taps?” This talk takes as …
ÖZLEM ASLAN, Ph.D. 6 March 2021, Tuesday, 18:00 Starting from the early 2000s anti-hydropower resistances became a significant form of political mobilization that brought together rural inhabitants, urban environmentalist activists …
GÖZDE ORHAN, Ph. D. Altınbaş University 11 May 2021, Tuesday, 18.00 This study scrutinizes the transformation of rural areas through gentrification and tries to move the concept of spatial segregation …
OWEN ROBERT MILLER, Dr. Bilkent University 15 February 2021, Monday, 15.00 Over the past decade, the study of missionaries from the United States has grown in leaps and bounds. However, …