Showing 1-12 of 19 results

Ecologies of Trauma in World Literature

Dr. Deniz Gündoğan İbrişim 11th April, Tuesday, 16:00, classroom D113 Ecologies of Trauma in World Literature Trauma is inherently rooted, placed based, and ecological, even if it attempts to obscure …

Legitimacy: A Relational Perspective

Eric W. Schoon 10th March, Friday, 14:00 The talk will take place online. We would be very pleased if you could join us at through the link below; Legitimacy: …

Sweatshop Regulation and Global Equality

Dr. HÜSEYİN SUNGUR KUYUMCUOĞLU KHAS Core Program March 15, Tuesday, 18:00 Sweatshops are workplaces where usually many people work under adverse working conditions. Activists and progressive governments sometimes interfere in …